Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Your lips are movin

I almost feel guilty about this post because I know that there are so many out there who are dying for their spouses to admit that they have a problem. My problem over here is the opposite: my husband knows he has a problem. I can't count how many times I have heard the phrase 'I am an addict.' But the problem is that he doesn't do anything (that I see) about it. It's almost become a catch phrase- a way to diffuse tension whenever I bring it up... I want to snap back: "Yes! But what does that mean??" In the past, there was a range of emotions that would come with that phrase. He would say "I am an addict" and I would be ashamed for a brief moment, and then after a round of almost every emotion in the book, I would end on being extremely proud of him for owning that part of where he was.

Now, I just cringe. I'm trying to figure out how to describe it, and I think I figured it out: I had started to truly forgive him. And part of that was all the work that he had done to start towards making amends. But now, he works 50+ hours a week, and says that that is the reason why he is feeling disconnected from me. I am not quite so sure. I can agree that it is definitely part of the reason, I can! But I don't think it's solely that. I think his addict is desperately trying to hide behind those hours, so as to explain the disconnect. 

Here is how I see it: I am working real recovery every. single. day. as a part of my goal to write on this blog daily. It has inspired me to open up my recovery literature again, and it feels so good. I feel like I am finally back on the road towards recovery. J on the other hand, as far as I have seen, has been irritable (which could be a mix of work- but is almost always a tell-tale sign of addict behavior for me), and broken at least two of the bottom lines that he has told me about. 

I am just sick of hearing "I'm an addict, so I don't trust myself with a smartphone (or tablet or anything technological) yet" and yet listening to incessant talk about how badly he wants one- when he isn't WORKING towards getting one... I keep having the same line that he said the other week playing over and over in my head: "If I am being totally honest with myself, I am not doing my recovery work like I wanted to."

I only get this frustrated when I get involved in his recovery work, so I need to take a step back, and recognize that there is nothing that I can do about his recovery work, except let him do it on his own. But I also need to look at what got me into this chain of thinking, which is this: I can't fully forgive and let go if I don't feel like I am safe. I don't have to feel crazy for working towards a career that will sustain me and my son if things get to the point where I have to leave.

In the end it comes down to this: I don't believe words anymore- I only believe actions.


  1. Yes, yes, and yes. B once told me, in a moment of honesty, that he loves me and wants to be better for me and our son but he also loves porn and doesn't know if he wants to give it up. That line always comes back to me and I know that sometimes the love of porn is ruling his actions more than any other thing. Action speak SO MUCH LOUDER than words!

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    2. Laurie, It's so funny ('cept it's not funny), isn't it? J has said the almost the exact same thing to me when we were first married, almost like he just need to unload it or it would explode- but then he wanted to forget that he ever said- but there it is playing over and over in your head. Gotta love it.
