Friday, December 5, 2014


I am working on digging up my workbooks so that I can work on them... but I was watching a few sick kids today, so it made it a little rough...
That being said, however,

I did end up talking to a dear WoPA friend on the phone today, and it was a HUGE breath of fresh air to hear her being real, and talking about issues that I can totally relate to. After I got off the phone, I got to thinking, and I realized that for a lot of people, this is their outlet. This blog world of Wopa peeps are where we go for validation, and to finally see people around us with problems that we can relate to!

So I was wondering: would any of you feel comfortable commenting on this post about something that you are going through, something hard, that you feel like nobody can relate to? Even if it's not WoPA related, I would love to hear it. It is so refreshing and bonding, and I love it.

Any takers?


  1. I woke up and reached for my phone to read here I've only found this site this week and have been reading like crazy I'm learning that you all can relate that whatever I write someone would say yup been there
    I'm meeting with the bishop tomorrow.... Actually today I contacted him he is great but I don't feel I get a lot of support on the outside all looks well on the inside ?? I'm not even sure where we are We got into an argument a week ago I'm waiting for him to say something but no we just go on talking about Christmas decorations or the kids schedules just things to move the day
    We are "roommates" I should be sleeping

    1. Oh my goodness, Seattle, as I read your words, I remembered myself in the same spot a few years ago! I felt so alone, and then suddenly I found these blogs, and it was like I wasn't alone in this! Those hard conversations are so tough to have, and the addict never wants to have them... I hope your talk with the Bishop goes well. I am praying for you!
