If you know me...

I realize that I take a risk by putting these heartfelt feelings out on the internet, but because of the good that I have seen come from it, I truly feel that it is a risk worth taking.  I also realize that me posting on my blog every day now may make it easier for people close to me to be able to figure out my specific identity.

This brings up two initial responses in me:

1. Vulnerability: Vulnerable because this issue is not a fun one, and that means you can see behind my mask... 

2. Excitement: Because I don't share this blog with anyone other than people who seem to be needing it at the time. If you found my blog chances are that you are going through something very similar, and that means we can be better friends. It means that we can go through some of this journey together!

So here is what I ask if you think you have figured out which "Ashley" I am in the seas of Ashley's out there: Contact me! Via facebook, phone, email... reach out! I know how scary that idea is on both ends, but I would so much rather know, and I think only good can come from it.

All my love, 

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