Thursday, December 11, 2014

I'm starting a book club on here!

My good friend and fellow WoPA is a huge inspiration to me, and after our group ended, she started a book club with some Ladies in her neighborhood.  Her doing that has made me think. 

I thought it would be fun to do a bit of a book club on here- Even if it is just me- or just two of us, or more! I would love more! I think it would be so fun to have discussions with fellow WoPAs about the book in the comments.

During phase three in Lifestar, we read Brene Brown's book "I thought it was just me (but it isn't),"  and because I moved away from the group mid-phase three, I never finished reading it. I LOVED the couple of chapters that I read, though, and I really want to re-read it, and finish the rest. In group he had worksheets for us to do as we read along, but in the book, she basically gives the same kind of thinking homework! It's the perfect blogger book club type of book! 

So here is how I figure I am going to make this work: I will do my posts on a chapter every friday morning, and you can read along with me. Next friday I will start on Chapter 1, so that gives you plenty of time to get your hands on a copy! You can make comments or not, but I would love the feedback and comments as we read!

I loved the part of the book that I read, because it has helped me so much with how I communicate with people who are going through a hard time. It has helped me know who I feel safe sharing my vulnerabilities with, and who I don't. It has helped me empathize and connect in deeper ways. I think this book has helped me along in my recovery more than almost as much as the lifestar manuals themselves. I LOVE IT.

So here is the name of the book again: "I thought it was just me (but it isn't) by Brene Brown