Sunday, December 21, 2014


Just posting about a little victory that I had today.
In the past, when J would talk about stressors in his life, I would go out of my way- to extremes even- to fix it for him. I would put too much on my plate, offend people by canceling plans long in the making, and even do little extra things that would make his life easier for him in day-to-day life. This irrational part of me said that if his life was stressful enough that he acted out- and I didn't do my part to ease that stress- the acting out would be at least partly on me.

Today, J was talking about some of the upcoming things that were stressing him out, and I didn't try to fix it. I told him that if he could think of anything that I could do to help, like make a lunch for him for work or the like, that I would see what I could do. But I didn't go into planning mode- I didn't start scheming about ironing shirts and shining shoes. He's a big boy, and I know that he can handle that stuff. I love that I have freed myself from those destructive thoughts- not that they don't pop in every once in a while- but I am able to see them for what they are: Unhealthy.

FINALLY. Something that is clear cut in this whole mess. Thank you Heavenly Father.


  1. Yay! I majorly needed to hear this. Thank you.

    1. Annegirl, I often feel that way when I read your blog too! :)

  2. Isn't that a wonderful feeling?! I'm glad to hear someone having victories like this, because I know how good it feels for me. Yay!
