Saturday, September 20, 2014

Prep it up.

Today is the last day of my "on week." (I work on a week, off a week).

I thought today I would use this blog as a way to be accountable, and in order to do that, I have to set some goals for my upcoming off week!

Goal #1: Self Care. Self Care. Self Care. I know that it wont make up for a week without much of it, but it can't hurt to do as much as possible so that I CAN feel good on my next on week, Like I can actually put up my decorations so that I am not stressed having them all over the floor.

Goal #2: Be social. I am going to gab this week.

Goal #3: Stay on top of my dailies, and get into a morning routine so I can get in the habit of incorporating dailies into my life again.

Goal #4: Enjoy being able to spend time with my son! Woot woot! That means getting outside while it's still warm!

Goal #5: Shower and make a conscious decision on what I am going to wear and how I am going to look that day.

Also, here's a shoutout to little victories:
My husband almost got a smartphone today, like literally was walking out the door to get it, but didn't feel right about it so he didn't! It is little victories like that that give me hope for the future!


  1. I love your blog! As a wife to a recovering addict under the GreatnessAhead program, I could so relate to your posts. I agree that setting goals is a great way to kickstart your way to achieve them. Small victories are indeed huge accomplishments.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Leigh! It's so good to know that there are others that can relate, makes you feel an ounce less crazy, and every ounce helps! ;) I have never heard of the GreatnessAhead program, tell me more!
