Friday, April 4, 2014

Raining bullets

Every day. I feel as if I am battling everyday against the feelings threatening to overpower me. And I am. I got a new confession Every. Single. Day. this week. Every day. I have been working hard to remind myself of the feelings of peace. In group, we learned that letting go isn't about cutting ourselves off from our spouses, but creating a perimeter around ourselves as a defense if we are wounded. Well, I have a few wounds accumulated this week. It's pretty sucky. This week I worked hard to show my love for him while keeping my distance. So when he admits to the slip of the day, I don't have my shield of anger to protect me- just raw pain. Sucky raw pain that cuts deep. Okay, but what are you going to so about it, ash dear? (Excuse the cutesy self talk ;)) Answer: (say it together, class) self care, boundaries, dailies. Let's just hope it's going to be enough to get me through this weather, it's raining bullets.

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